Title: Distinguished Associate Professor
Office: 1216
TEL: 86-10-82376018
Email: jz822@uow.edu.au
Research fields: Development of novel composite materials; Advanced materials manufacturing; Simulation
Ph.D., University of Wollongong, 2018
2021-07 to date: Associate Professor
2021-01 to 2021-07: Distinguished Associate Professor
2018-12 to 2020-12: Post-doctor research fellow
Editorial and Social Appointment
(1) 2021-01 to date: a Youth Editorial Board Member of Journal of Iron and Steel Research International
(2) 2021-02 to date: Guest Editor of Materials
(3) 2019-09 to date: Reviewer Editor of Frontiers in Materials
(4) 2020-09 to date: Secretary, Joint Research Center of NISCO-USTB Solidification and Cool Control Technology
(5)2019-06 to date: Member of Expert Committee, Wuhu Xinxing Casting Pipe Co. Ltd
Project Chaired
(1) Talent Introduction Program of Postdoctoral International Exchange Program, 2018-2020
(2) YouthProject of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),2021-2023, No. 52004024
(3) General Project Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2019-2020, No. 2019M660460
(4) Fundamental research expenses for the central universities, 2019 to date, FRF-TP-19-078A1 & FRF-GF-18-007B
(5) Fund of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, 2019-2020, 416190001, 41619025
Featured Publication
1. Zhang J, Liu Q, Yang S, et al. Advances in Ladle Shroud as A Functional Device in Tundish Metallurgy: A Review, ISIJ Int., 2019, 59(7): 1167
2. Zhang J, Yang S, Chen Z, et al. Graphene encapsulated SiC nanoparticles as tribology-favoured nanofillers in aluminium composite, Compos. Part B-Eng, 2019, 162: 445
3. Zhang J, Yang S, Chen Z, et al. Microstructure and tribological behaviour of alumina composites reinforced with SiC-graphene core-shell nanoparticles, Tribol. Int., 2019, 131: 94
4. Zhang J, Chen Z, Wu H, et al. Effect of graphene on the tribolayer of aluminum matrix composite during dry sliding wear, Surf. Coat. Tech., 2019, 358: 907
5. Zhang J, Yang S, Chen Z, et al. In Situ Synthesis of SiC-Graphene Core-Shell Nanoparticles Using Wet Ball Milling, Ceramics Int. 2018, 44(7):8283
6. Zhang J, Li J, Yan Y, et al. A Comparative Study of Fluid Flow and Mass Transfer in a Trumpet-Shaped Ladle Shroud Using Large Eddy Simulation[J]. Metall. Materi. Trans. B, 2016, 47(1): 495-507.
7. Zhang J, Yang S, Li J, et al. Large Eddy Simulation on Flow Structure in a Dissipative Ladle Shroud and a Tundish[J]. ISIJ Int., 2015, 55(8): 1684-1692.